I'm too lazy to create another Microsoft Paint pic, but after I already un-friended this guy from Facebook, he went for broke and told me, "YOU CAN EAT IT OFF MY NUTS."
Twenty-first century love is the best love, don't you think?
there’s one article that came out a year a half ago that I’m still floored by
(but have just gotten around to writing about now), it is Lawrence Wright’s
brilliant piece in the New Yorker about Scientology viewed through the exhausted
lens of Hollywood screenwriter Paul Haggis.No matter how insurmountable my hatred may be for some of his movies (he
fucking wrote and directed Crash, a film that made me feel less like a
human, and more like a bleeding pile of ears and eyes), Haggis’s depiction of
life as a Scientologist-turned-defector left me whispering to myself, “this is
astounding” and “something strange is afoot at the Gold Base”.